Characteristics and Trends of U.S. Soybean Production Practices, Costs, and Returns Since 2002
- by Kate Vaiknoras and Todd Hubbs
- 6/1/2023
In the past 20 years, U.S. soybean acreage has grown 18 percent, from 74 million to 87 million acres. Soybean yields have also increased. This study uses nationally representative survey data of U.S. soybean farmers (along with costs and returns data) to examine how production practices, export demand, public policy, and environmental factors have changed over the past 20 years.
How to Cite:
Vaiknoras, K., & Hubbs, T. (2023). Characteristics and trends of U.S. soybean production practices, costs, and returns since 2002 (Report No. ERR-316). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
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