Electronic Publications from the Food Assistance & Nutrition Research Program No. (EFAN-01-011) 123 pp
Methods To Prevent Fraud and Abuse Among Staff and Participants in the WIC Program: Volume I, Final Report
This report identifies and assesses methods used to detect and prevent fraud and abuse among staff and participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). The report summarizes the relevant WIC regulations; describes basic controls or practices widely used by State and local agencies to detect and prevent fraud and abuse; and highlights enhanced controls that can further improve the program's integrity.
In addition to this report, see Methods to Prevent Fraud and Abuse Among Staff and Participants in the WIC Program: Volume II, Site Visits.
Keywords: Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, WIC, fraud, abuse, staff, participants, controls, regulations, State and local agencies, food and nutrition programs
In this publication...