Milk Production Costs and Returns from the 2016 ARMS

The 2016 ARMS collected detailed information about the production practices and costs on dairy farms in 28 States which represent more than 90 percent of national milk production. A subsample of organic dairy operations was included as part of the 2016 ARMS. A set of estimates is now available from the survey that presents milk costs and returns for 2016 by State, size of operation, and region for all milk producers, and for conventional and organic dairies. Estimates are reported for groups deemed to have a sufficient sample for statistical reliability. These estimates are an update to those reported from the 2005 and 2010 ARMS.
Below are estimates of milk production costs and returns estimated from the 2016, 2010 and 2005 ARMS.
Corn Production Costs and Returns from the 2010 ARMS

The 2010 ARMS collected detailed information about the production practices and costs of corn growers in 19 States, which represent more than 93 percent of U.S.-planted corn acreage. This survey included a subsample of organic corn producers developed from lists provided by major organic certifiers. A set of estimates is now available from the survey that presents corn production costs and returns on corn acres planted for grain for 2010 by region for three categories: all corn producers, conventional corn producers, and organic corn producers. Estimates are reported for regions deemed to have a sufficient number of observations for statistical reliability. The regional estimates for all producers serve as the basis for the annual series of corn costs of production.
Wheat Production Costs and Returns from the 2009 ARMS

The 2009 ARMS collected detailed information about the production practices and costs of wheat producers in 16 States: Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas and Washington. These states accounted for about 85 percent of the total wheat acres planted by all wheat producers. As part of the survey, a subsample of organic wheat producers was developed from lists provided by major organic certifiers. A set of estimates is now available from the survey that presents wheat production costs and returns for 2009 by region for all wheat producers and for conventional wheat and organic wheat producers. Estimates are reported for regions deemed to have a sufficient sample for statistical reliability. The regional estimates for all wheat producers are used as the basis for the annual series of wheat costs of production. For more information about these wheat cost and return estimates, see The Structure and Profitability of Organic Field Crop Production: The Case of Wheat.
Soybean Production Costs and Returns from the 2006 ARMS

The 2006 ARMS collected detailed information about the production practices and costs of soybean growers in 19 States, which represent more than 97 percent of U.S. planted soybean acreage. As part of the survey, a subsample of organic soybean producers was developed from lists provided by major organic certifiers. A set of estimates is now available from the survey that presents soybean production costs and returns for 2006 by region and size of operation for all soybean producers and for conventional and organic producers. Estimates are reported for regions and size groups deemed to have a sufficient sample for statistical reliability. The regional estimates for all producers are used as the basis for the annual series of soybean costs of production. For more information about these soybean cost and return estimates, see The Profitability of Organic Soybean Production.