Market Outlook

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Global 2024/25 Cotton Production Forecast To Increase

The latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) cotton projections for 2024/25 (August–July) indicate that world cotton production will increase 6.5 million bales (5.7 percent) to 120.2 million bales, the highest global production since 2017/18. The projected increase is led by a rebound for the United States. World ending stocks are forecast to increase 3.3 million bales (4 percent) to 82.6 million bales as production is projected above mill use for the third consecutive year.

Global cotton mill use also is projected to increase from the previous season to 117.2 million bales in 2024/25, the highest since 2020/21. Mill use in 2024/25 is projected to increase for each of the top five cotton-spinning countries. World cotton trade expectations (44.6 million bales) show continued growth from the recent low in 2022/23 and are the second highest since 2012/13. World cotton prices for 2024/25, however, are estimated at a 5-year low as global ending stocks are the highest since 2019/20.