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Changes in U.S. double-cropped acreage roughly mirror commodity prices

  • Corn and Other Feed Grains
  • Soybeans and Oil Crops
  • Wheat
  • Land Use, Land Value & Tenure
  • Farm Practices & Management
  • Crop & Livestock Practices
  • Risk Management
  • Natural Resources & Environment
  • Conservation Programs
Chart showing changes in double-cropped acreage roughly mirror commodity prices

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Double-cropped acreage has varied from year to year. Because decisions about double cropping are made annually, fluctuations are likely as farmers respond to changing market and weather conditions. For example, higher commodity prices give farmers more incentive to intensify production and could offset revenue shortfalls from lower potential yields when double cropping. From 2004 to 2012, total double-cropped acreage roughly paralleled soybean, winter wheat, and corn prices. When commodity prices at the time of planting decisions were increasing or relatively high, total double-cropped acreage also increased. Total double-cropped acreage peaked at 10.9 million acres in 2008, when prices for soybeans, winter wheat, and corn also peaked. In 2005 and 2010, nearly every region witnessed declines in double-cropped acreage amid commodity price declines. This chart is found in the ERS report, Multi-Cropping Practices: Recent Trends in Double-Cropping, EIB-125, May 2014.

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