Peer Reviews

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued guidelines for the peer review of important scientific information before it is disseminated by the Federal Government. OMB published its "Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review" in the Federal Register on January 14, 2005, at 70 FR 2664-2677. The Bulletin provides specific requirements for peer reviews of highly influential scientific assessments and influential scientific information that are disseminated by Federal agencies, including posting the agenda and plans for such peer reviews on agency websites.

USDA has also issued Peer Review Implementation Guidelines standards that USDA agencies and offices will follow in developing and reviewing scientific research information and disseminating it to the public.

ERS Agenda for Peer Reviews of Highly Influential Scientific Assessments

At this time, ERS has no agenda of forthcoming highly influential scientific assessments to post on its website in accordance with OMB's Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review.

ERS Agenda for Peer Reviews of Influential Scientific Information

ERS's economists and social scientists conduct research to inform public and private decision making on economic and policy issues involving food, farming, natural resources, and rural development. The agency's research program is aimed at the information needs of USDA, other public policy officials, and the research community. ERS information and analysis is also used by the media, trade associations, public interest groups, and the general public. ERS disseminates economic information and research results through an array of outlets.

ERS has two types of report series that could contain potentially influential scientific information: ERS research reports; and special outlook reports. The peer review process varies for each series. All reports in each series are included in ERS's peer review agenda for potentially influential scientific information. 

  • ERS Research Reports – Division management submits ERS research reports, including economic briefs, economic information bulletins, technical bulletins, and economic research reports, to the ERS Peer Review Coordinating Council to develop the peer review plan and coordinate the peer review process. Each report submitted to the Peer Review Coordinating Council is reviewed by a minimum of two external subject matter experts and one subject matter expert from ERS. In addition, subject matter experts from USDA agencies potentially affected by the research provide technical reviews. All reviews are double-blind (the reviewers do not know the identity of the report author(s) and the author(s) do not know the names of the reviewers). Review criteria are detailed in request letters sent to each reviewer.
  • Special Outlook Reports – Special Outlook Reports provide time-sensitive information related to the forces shaping commodity markets and trade.  These reports provide analysis of commodity market conditions, production, supply, and use, both domestically and internationally. Special Outlook Reports are reviewed by ERS staff, external commodity and market specialists, and subject matter experts on the World Agricultural Outlook Board.

Cleared manuscripts are posted on the ERS website. For a complete list, see the Publications catalog.

In accordance with OMB's Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review, ERS's Peer Review Agenda for potentially influential scientific information is reported below. The agenda is updated quarterly.

ERS Peer Review Agenda for Potentially Influential Scientific Information
Working Title Description
Nonfamily Farm Operations and the Households Who Operate Them Economic Information Bulletin (MS-821)
On-Farm Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in U.S. Agriculture Economic Information Bulletin (MS-830)
Beginning U.S. Farms and Ranches: Characteristics Associated with Business Survival Economic Information Bulletin (MS-831)
Competition for U.S. agricultural products in Taiwan Economic Research Report (MS-844)
Overview of the Farmers to Families Food Box Program Economic Information Bulletin (MS-845)
Characterizing Differences in Foreign-owned and Foreign-leased U.S. Agricultural Land Economic Information Bulletin (MS-852)
Demand for Alternative Feed Grains for Broiler Production in an Era of Global Price Uncertainty: The Case of Sorghum Economic Research Report (MS-854)
Recent Trends in Infant Formula Rebates Economic Research Report (MS-855)
The role of carbon payments in anaerobic digester profitability on U.S. swine farms Economic Research Report (MS-857)
An Estimate of Group Differences in Diet Quality to Advance Nutrition Security Measurement Economic Information Bulletin (MS-858)
China’s Agricultural Trade after Two Decades in the WTO Economic Research Report (MS-859)
Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on India’s Wheat and Rice Markets Economic Research Report (MS-860)
Persistence of Cover Crop Use in Crop Production in the United States, 2012-2021 Economic Information Bulletin (MS-861)
International Food Security Assessment, 2024–2034 Special Outlook Report (MS-862)
Estimating the USDA, Economic Research Service Commodity Costs and Returns and Milk Cost of Production Data Series Technical Bulletin (MS-863)
Irrigation Organizations—Water Metering and Pricing Economic Brief (MS-864)
Irrigation Organizations—Governance Structure and Finance Economic Brief (MS-865)
European agri-food trade and Brexit: the first three years of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Economic Information Bulletin (MS-866)
Potential Impacts of Immigration Reform on the U.S. Agricultural Crop Workforce Economic Brief (MS-867)
Brazil's Agricultural Land Use and Land Restoration Policies to Increase Production, Trade, and Preserve the Amazon Economic Research Report (MS-868)
The Financial-Climate Risk of the Pasture, Rangleland Economic Brief (MS-869)
International Food Consumption Patterns: Updates on Income and Price Elasticity Estimates Technical Bulletin (MS-870)
The State of U.S. Farm-level Risk Management Economic Information Bulletin (MS-871)
The growing demand for feed in India - Future Prospects for Production, trade, and technology innovation Economic Research Report (MS-872)
Drivers of Fertilizer Market Trends: Supply, Demand, and Prices Economic Research Report (MS-873)
U.S. Household Food Spending Post COVID-19 and Its Implications for Diet Quality Economic Research Report (MS-874)
Under Review as of June 30, 2024

See completed peer reviews


For information on ERS's agenda and plans for peer reviews of highly influential scientific assessments and influential scientific information, contact:

Kelly Maguire
Economic Research Service
355 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024-3221
Phone: (202) 694-5448

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