Economic Viability of Industrial Hemp in the United States: A Review of State Pilot Programs
- by Tyler B. Mark, Jonathan Shepherd, David W. Olson, William Snell, Susan Proper and Suzanne Thornsbury
- 2/19/2020
After a hiatus of almost 45 years, the 2014 Farm Bill reintroduced industrial hemp production in the United States through State pilot programs. This study documents outcomes and lessons learned from the State pilot programs and examines legal, agronomic, and economic challenges that may impact the transition from the pilot programs to economically viable commercial production.
Errata: On August 10, 2020, Appendix B tables were updated to reflect that the reported 2018 greenhouse areas for Montana, Vermont, and West Virginia were not available (N/A) and the 2017 greenhouse area for Minnesota was also not available (N/A). Vermont processor numbers in 2016 were updated to 1 (grain), 3 (CBD), and 4 (total). Values in the associated charts and text were correct and are unchanged.
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