Quick Facts
The Food Dollar Series provides an overview of the food system, with estimates of the farm share and of the distribution of food dollar, value added shares over time:
- For a dollar representative of all domestically produced food spent in the United States in 2022, U.S. farmers sold 14.9 cents of farm products to nonfarm establishments (farm share), down from 15.2 cents in 2021.
- Farm production’s proportion of the food dollar decreased to 7.0 cents in 2022, from 8.1 cents in 2021.
- After a sharp decrease in 2020, the foodservice share is again at a series high. It increased from 32.5 cents in 2021 to 34.1 cents in 2022. The foodservice share has historically claimed the largest share of the industry group food dollar.
- In 2022, the output taxes share of the food dollar was 8.9 cents, just above the 8.8 cent average share from 2000 to 2019. The output tax share increased for two consecutive years after dropping to 3.7 cents in 2020.