2014 Farm Act increases spending to support organic agriculture
- by Catherine Greene
- 3/24/2014

Federal support for organic production systems, including financial assistance for farmers completing the certification process and funding for organic research, has increased in each of the last three farm acts. The Agricultural Act of 2014 expands funding to assist organic producers and handlers with the cost of organic certification. Mandatory funding more than doubles from the 2008 Farm Act’s mandate to $57.5 million over the lifespan of the 2014 Act. Total mandatory funding to improve economic data on the organic sector continues at $5 million over the lifespan of the Act; another $5 million is added to upgrade the database and technology systems of USDA’s National Organic Program. The 2014 Act also expands total mandatory organic research funding to $100 million. This chart is found in ERS’ Highlights and Implications of the Agricultural Act of 2014.