Snacks and bakery products lead in new "no trans fats" offerings
- by Economic Research Service
- 5/8/2012

Food and beverage manufacturers introduced 1,069 new (including reformulated) products claiming to have no trans fats in 2010. Snacks and bakery products accounted for over half of these new "no trans fats" foods. Prepared meals accounted for 7.5 percent of no trans fats claims and processed fish, meat, and egg products for 7.4 percent. Bakery products' share of new no trans fats products fell from 41.3 percent in 2004 to 25.5 percent in 2010, while shares of prepared meals, sauces and seasonings, and side dishes grew. This chart appears in New Food Choices Free of Trans Fats Better Align U.S. Diets With Health Recommendations, EIB-95, April 2012.