2010 Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) data summaries now available
- by ERS
- 12/9/2011

Sponsored jointly by ERS and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), ARMS is the only national survey that provides observations of field-level farm practices, the economics of the farm business, and the characteristics of the American farm household-all collected in a representative sample. Information about crop production, farm production, business, and households includes data for selected surveyed States where available. New to the ARMS data delivery tool are 2010 data for farm and household finances and corn production practices. In addition, there is now added comparability between conventional and organic production systems, and owner and renter operators, for production practices of selected crops. Data summaries for farm and household finances and crop production practices are available in the online ARMS data tool on the ERS website, updated November 30, 2011.