The outlook for 2011 farm business income varies regionally
- by Economic Research Service
- 10/21/2011

ERS' forecasts for farm income show there is considerable regional variation in the outlook for 2011 farm business income. Price strength for grains and oilseeds will result in much higher average net cash incomes for farm businesses in the Heartland (28.2 percent above 2010). Improved cattle and wheat incomes are contributing to the Prairie Gateway region's projected 25 percent increase in average net cash income. Producers in the Northern Crescent region are expected to benefit from higher dairy and grain earnings with average net cash income forecast to be 24.1 percent higher than 2010. Modest gains in average net cash income are projected in the Fruitful Rim (3 percent) and for the Eastern Uplands and Basin and Range regions (both around 9 percent). In the Southern Seaboard, where poultry and specialty crops account for well over half the value of agricultural production, average farm business income is forecast to decline by 6.5 percent in 2011. This map is from the Farm Sector Income & Finances topic, updated August 30, 2011.