Some key crop-related expenses forecast up in 2011
- by ERS
- 6/1/2012

Total agricultural production expenses are forecast to rise sharply in 2011, due to changes in both price paid for inputs and the quantity of inputs used. Prices for all crop-related inputs are expected to rise in 2011, while acres planted to principal crops are forecast to rise to 326 million acres, a 3-percent increase over 2010. Expenses for several crop-related expenses are expected to show some of the sharpest changes this year. After steady increases between 2002 and 2008, fertilizer expenses dropped roughly 10 percent in both 2009 and 2010. In 2011, fertilizer expenses are forecast to resume their climb, going up 14 percent. After stalling in 2010, the upward movement in seed and pesticide expenses is also forecast to resume. Seed expenses are expected to rise over 5 percent in 2011 after dropping by 2 percent in 2010. Pesticide expenses are forecast to rise around 7 percent after falling about 5 percent in 2009-10. This chart is found in the ERS briefing room on Farm Income and Costs, and reflects the February 14, 2011 forecast.