Chart Gallery

  • Foods with “natural” labels accounted for 16 percent of U.S. consumer food spending in 2018
    Foods with “natural” labels accounted for 16 percent of U.S. consumer food spending in 2018
  • <i>Salmonella</i> accounted for nearly 80 percent of pathogen violations in U.S. food imports from 2002 to 2019
    <i>Salmonella</i> accounted for nearly 80 percent of pathogen violations in U.S. food imports from 2002 to 2019
  • Imported fishery and seafood products had most pathogen/toxin violations over past two decades
    Imported fishery and seafood products had most pathogen/toxin violations over past two decades
  • India accounted for more than one-fifth of pathogen-based refusals of U.S. food imports from 2002 to 2019
    India accounted for more than one-fifth of pathogen-based refusals of U.S. food imports from 2002 to 2019
  • Medical care inflation outpaced overall U.S. inflation and income growth, 2013-18
    Medical care inflation outpaced overall U.S. inflation and income growth, 2013-18
  • Inflation in value of preventing deaths accounted for 76 percent of total inflation in the economic cost of 15 U.S. foodborne illnesses, 2013-18
    Inflation in value of preventing deaths accounted for 76 percent of total inflation in the economic cost of 15 U.S. foodborne illnesses, 2013-18
  • Costs of 15 major foodborne illnesses in the United States totaled $17.6 billion in 2018
    Costs of 15 major foodborne illnesses in the United States totaled $17.6 billion in 2018
  • Five pathogens caused most foodborne illness costs in United States
    Five pathogens caused most foodborne illness costs in United States
  • ICYMI... Foodservice employees are more likely to use a food thermometer at home
    ICYMI... Foodservice employees are more likely to use a food thermometer at home
  • Foodservice employees are more likely to use a food thermometer at home
    Foodservice employees are more likely to use a food thermometer at home
  • From 2014 to 2016, over one-third of at-home meal preparers who used raw milk lived with one or more children
    From 2014 to 2016, over one-third of at-home meal preparers who used raw milk lived with one or more children
  • Meal-preparer characteristics differ between food thermometer users and nonusers
    Meal-preparer characteristics differ between food thermometer users and nonusers
  • In 2016, raw milk could be legally purchased in 38 States
    In 2016, raw milk could be legally purchased in 38 States
  • Pathogen contamination and undeclared allergens are leading reasons for food recalls
    Pathogen contamination and undeclared allergens are leading reasons for food recalls
  • Adulteration violations in imported foods increased the most for spices, flavors, salts, and seafood
    Adulteration violations in imported foods increased the most for spices, flavors, salts, and seafood
  • Adulteration violations continue to cause the most refusals of FDA-inspected food imports
    Adulteration violations continue to cause the most refusals of FDA-inspected food imports
  • Vegetable/vegetable products and fruit/fruit products accounted for smaller shares of FDA imported food refusals in 2005-13 than in 1998-2004
    Vegetable/vegetable products and fruit/fruit products accounted for smaller shares of FDA imported food refusals in 2005-13 than in 1998-2004
  • Adulteration violations made up three-quarters of FDA refusals of imported fishery/seafood products, vegetable/vegetable products, and spices, flavors, and salts in 2005-13
    Adulteration violations made up three-quarters of FDA refusals of imported fishery/seafood products, vegetable/vegetable products, and spices, flavors, and salts in 2005-13
  • Imported fishery/seafood products and spices, flavors, and salts had the largest increases in yearly pathogen or toxin adulteration violations between 1998-2004 and 2005-13
    Imported fishery/seafood products and spices, flavors, and salts had the largest increases in yearly pathogen or toxin adulteration violations between 1998-2004 and 2005-13
  • At least 48 percent of U.S. broilers were fed antibiotics only for disease-treatment purposes
    At least 48 percent of U.S. broilers were fed antibiotics only for disease-treatment purposes
  • Restrictions on antibiotic use for production purposes in U.S. hogs and broilers likely to have modest effects on prices, quantities
    Restrictions on antibiotic use for production purposes in U.S. hogs and broilers likely to have modest effects on prices, quantities
  • In 2011, the percentage of contract broiler producers who raised birds without antibiotics in feed or water except in circumstances of disease treatment was estimated to be between 48 and 80 percent
    In 2011, the percentage of contract broiler producers who raised birds without antibiotics in feed or water except in circumstances of disease treatment was estimated to be between 48 and 80 percent
  • In 2009 between 40 and 62 percent of finishing hogs were administered antibiotics for growth promotion; between 51 and 71 percent were administered antibiotics for disease prevention
    In 2009 between 40 and 62 percent of finishing hogs were administered antibiotics for growth promotion; between 51 and 71 percent were administered antibiotics for disease prevention
  • Economic theory predicts that restrictions in antibiotic use for production purposes will increase price and decrease quantity of meat
    Economic theory predicts that restrictions in antibiotic use for production purposes will increase price and decrease quantity of meat
  • In 2009 between one-quarter and one-half of nursery hogs were administered antibiotics for growth promotion; between about 60 and 80 percent were administered antibiotics for disease prevention
    In 2009 between one-quarter and one-half of nursery hogs were administered antibiotics for growth promotion; between about 60 and 80 percent were administered antibiotics for disease prevention
  • Strict <em>Salmonella</em> standards contribute to safety of school lunches
    Strict <em>Salmonella</em> standards contribute to safety of school lunches
  • Payments for typical Environmental Quality Incentives Program contracts were larger for farms on American Indian reservations in 2006
    Payments for typical Environmental Quality Incentives Program contracts were larger for farms on American Indian reservations in 2006