Chart Gallery

  • Average time spent in primary eating and drinking and secondary eating, on an average day in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2022, U.S. population age 15 and older
    Average time spent in primary eating and drinking and secondary eating, on an average day in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2022, U.S. population age 15 and older
  • Percentage of the U.S. population who engage in primary eating and drinking and secondary eating, by time of day, on an average day in 2022, age 15 and older
    Percentage of the U.S. population who engage in primary eating and drinking and secondary eating, by time of day, on an average day in 2022, age 15 and older
  • U.S. obesity rates grew in most regions during first year of pandemic
    U.S. obesity rates grew in most regions during first year of pandemic
  • Obesity rates among U.S. adults increased during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
    Obesity rates among U.S. adults increased during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • U.S. consumers’ eating patterns differ from Federal recommendations
    U.S. consumers’ eating patterns differ from Federal recommendations
  • Nutrient intakes by U.S. consumers differ from Federal recommendations
    Nutrient intakes by U.S. consumers differ from Federal recommendations
  • Over time, racial and ethnic gaps in dietary fiber consumption per 1,000 calories have widened
    Over time, racial and ethnic gaps in dietary fiber consumption per 1,000 calories have widened
  • School foods are a rich source of fruit in children’s diets
    School foods are a rich source of fruit in children’s diets
  • Schools obtained more fruits and vegetables through USDA Foods after school meal nutrition standards were updated in 2012
    Schools obtained more fruits and vegetables through USDA Foods after school meal nutrition standards were updated in 2012
  • Adult obesity increased during first year of COVID-19 pandemic
    Adult obesity increased during first year of COVID-19 pandemic
  • Obesity prevalence increased among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic )
    Obesity prevalence increased among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic )
  • School foods were the richest source of dairy in children’s diets in 2017–2018
    School foods were the richest source of dairy in children’s diets in 2017–2018
  • Trans fat levels in U.S. youth dropped from 1999 to 2010
    Trans fat levels in U.S. youth dropped from 1999 to 2010
  • Blood plasma levels of trans fats among youth fell from 1999-2000 to 2009-2010
    Blood plasma levels of trans fats among youth fell from 1999-2000 to 2009-2010
  • Healthy weight adults spend more time eating than do overweight and obese adults
    Healthy weight adults spend more time eating than do overweight and obese adults
  • Households with obese children differ from those with no obese children
    Households with obese children differ from those with no obese children
  • Obesity of parents is associated with obesity of children
    Obesity of parents is associated with obesity of children
  • American diets are out of balance with dietary recommendations
    American diets are out of balance with dietary recommendations
  • About one-third of SNAP participants and food-insecure households use someone else's car or they walk, bike, or use public transit to get to the grocery store
    About one-third of SNAP participants and food-insecure households use someone else's car or they walk, bike, or use public transit to get to the grocery store
  • WIC households seek out supercenters for their primary grocery shopping
    WIC households seek out supercenters for their primary grocery shopping
  • Most U.S. households do not always shop at the supermarket closest to home
    Most U.S. households do not always shop at the supermarket closest to home
  • Federal support for nutrition research increasingly focuses on obesity
    Federal support for nutrition research increasingly focuses on obesity
  • Over half of States in 2001 had an obesity rate for adults of 20 percent or over. None had this high an obesity rate in 1991, and 9 States were even under 10 percent
    Over half of States in 2001 had an obesity rate for adults of 20 percent or over. None had this high an obesity rate in 1991, and 9 States were even under 10 percent
  • Products claiming to have zero (or low) trans fat took off in 2003
    Products claiming to have zero (or low) trans fat took off in 2003
  • Americans like it sweet. Trendlines show consumption of sucrose and HFCS from 1970 to 2005.
    Americans like it sweet. Trendlines show consumption of sucrose and HFCS from 1970 to 2005.
  • In 2006, obese Americans spent more time watching television...
    In 2006, obese Americans spent more time watching television...
  • Calorie availability is increasing in developing countries
    Calorie availability is increasing in developing countries
  • Television news reports related to obesity increased after 2000
    Television news reports related to obesity increased after 2000
  • New products bearing a health- and nutrition-related claim in 2009 and 2010 contained a smaller percentage of some nutrients, compared with all new products
    New products bearing a health- and nutrition-related claim in 2009 and 2010 contained a smaller percentage of some nutrients, compared with all new products
  • Five health- and nutrition-related claims have shown sizeable increases in usage since 2001
    Five health- and nutrition-related claims have shown sizeable increases in usage since 2001
  • findings2_fig02.gif
  • Adult obesity rates
    Adult obesity rates
  • A 20-percent price increase from a tax on caloric sweetened beverages is estimated to reduce total calorie intake from beverages by 13 percent for adults and by 11 percent for children
    A 20-percent price increase from a tax on caloric sweetened beverages is estimated to reduce total calorie intake from beverages by 13 percent for adults and by 11 percent for children
  • Calorie content varies widely across beverages
    Calorie content varies widely across beverages
  • Fruits and vegetables comparable in price per portion to snack foods
    Fruits and vegetables comparable in price per portion to snack foods
  • Obese Americans watched 37 minutes more television on an average day than normal-weight Americans
    Obese Americans watched 37 minutes more television on an average day than normal-weight Americans