Beef exports are booming
- by Economic Research Service
- 6/29/2011

With U.S. beef exports forecast at 2.59 billion pounds in 2011, the United States will not only export quantities of beef that surpass 2003 levels (pre-BSE), but should have a wider net export margin. Although the United States has not completely recovered the export share held in the Japanese and South Korean markets pre-BSE, other Asian export markets for U.S. beef, including Taiwan, Vietnam, and Hong Kong, have emerged to conjointly hold an increased share of the U.S. beef export market. Beginning in 2010, other countries such as Egypt and Russia have also been more prominent markets for U.S. beef. This graphic comes from the Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook, LDP-M-204, June 15, 2011.