Dan works on a wide variety of tasks related to the annual Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) used by many researchers in USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS). Dan's primary responsibility is to prepare the ERS versions of Phase III datasets. This preparation involves defining variables used by researchers and running diagnostic programs to try to enhance the accuracy of the datasets. Dan also participates in other aspects of past, current, and future ARMS surveys, such as commenting on new questionnaires and manuals and suggesting changes to the computer edits that check consistency of responses to survey questions.
Before moving to the Resource and Rural Economics Division to work with ARMS, Dan spent many years at ERS working on issues related to rural credit financial institutions (including commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, and credit unions). He primarily worked with commercial bank data to investigate issues such as credit availability and the effects of financial deregulation on the structure of rural financial markets.
Dan received a Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from Purdue University. He also received a B.A. in mathematics and economics from Carnegie Mellon University.