Chart Gallery

  • U.S. soybean yields to decrease, corn yields to increase based on climate projections
    U.S. soybean yields to decrease, corn yields to increase based on climate projections
  • Climate-linked yield changes projected to vary by region and by crop
    Climate-linked yield changes projected to vary by region and by crop
  • Agriculture accounted for an estimated 10.6 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2021
    Agriculture accounted for an estimated 10.6 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2021
  • Emergency Relief Program payments aiding U.S. crop producers concentrated in North Dakota and Texas
    Emergency Relief Program payments aiding U.S. crop producers concentrated in North Dakota and Texas
  • Estimated U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector, including net sources and removals (sinks) from LULUCF, 2001–21
    Estimated U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector, including net sources and removals (sinks) from LULUCF, 2001–21
  • Estimated U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector, with electricity-related emissions distributed, 2021
    Estimated U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector, with electricity-related emissions distributed, 2021
  • Irrigated agricultural acreage has grown, shifting eastward, while western irrigated acreage has declined
    Irrigated agricultural acreage has grown, shifting eastward, while western irrigated acreage has declined
  • Hurricanes in 2017 cut Puerto Rico’s agricultural sector revenue by 19 percent
    Hurricanes in 2017 cut Puerto Rico’s agricultural sector revenue by 19 percent
  • Use of recycled and reclaimed water sources for irrigation varies across the United States
    Use of recycled and reclaimed water sources for irrigation varies across the United States
  • Agriculture, including electricity use, accounted for an estimated 11.2 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2020
    Agriculture, including electricity use, accounted for an estimated 11.2 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2020
  • Irrigated cropping patterns in the United States have evolved significantly since 1964
    Irrigated cropping patterns in the United States have evolved significantly since 1964
  • Use of surface or groundwater for irrigation depends on regional water availability, legal institutions, and infrastructure investments
    Use of surface or groundwater for irrigation depends on regional water availability, legal institutions, and infrastructure investments
  • Use of irrigation systems vary by crop
    Use of irrigation systems vary by crop
  • Per acre water use in irrigated farmland shows a declining trend
    Per acre water use in irrigated farmland shows a declining trend
  • The distribution of U.S. irrigated acreage has shifted eastward since mid-20th century
    The distribution of U.S. irrigated acreage has shifted eastward since mid-20th century
  • Irrigation delivery organizations use a variety of methods to calculate on-farm water use
    Irrigation delivery organizations use a variety of methods to calculate on-farm water use
  • Large irrigation organizations are most likely to own water storage infrastructure
    Large irrigation organizations are most likely to own water storage infrastructure
  • Cost cited as major reason for not lining canals that carry water to farms, ranches in 2019
    Cost cited as major reason for not lining canals that carry water to farms, ranches in 2019
  • Use of pressurized irrigation systems in the western United States roughly doubled from 1984 to 2018
    Use of pressurized irrigation systems in the western United States roughly doubled from 1984 to 2018
  • Crop production is the largest user of freshwater in the U.S. food system, 1997-2012
    Crop production is the largest user of freshwater in the U.S. food system, 1997-2012
  • The U.S. food system relies more heavily on surface water than groundwater, 1997-2012
    The U.S. food system relies more heavily on surface water than groundwater, 1997-2012
  • Fresh vegetables and other foods each use about 20 percent of freshwater, 2012
    Fresh vegetables and other foods each use about 20 percent of freshwater, 2012
  • Water use tradeoffs exist between different dietary patterns, 2007
    Water use tradeoffs exist between different dietary patterns, 2007
  • Climatic trends dampened productivity growth on Wisconsin dairy farms
    Climatic trends dampened productivity growth on Wisconsin dairy farms
  • Households are the largest users of fossil fuels in the U.S. food system
    Households are the largest users of fossil fuels in the U.S. food system
  • U.S. food system accounted for between 7 to 28 percent of the Nation’s 2007 use of five natural resources
    U.S. food system accounted for between 7 to 28 percent of the Nation’s 2007 use of five natural resources
  • Agriculture contributed 10.5 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2018
    Agriculture contributed 10.5 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2018
  • Potential effects of climate change on agricultural productivity likely to vary by region
    Potential effects of climate change on agricultural productivity likely to vary by region
  • Extent of irrigated fieldcrop acreage under reference weather and under climate change projections
    Extent of irrigated fieldcrop acreage under reference weather and under climate change projections
  • Some manure nutrients produced in the Chesapeake Bay watershed can be captured for later use
    Some manure nutrients produced in the Chesapeake Bay watershed can be captured for later use
  • Climate change is projected to cause declines and shifts in fieldcrop acreage across U.S. regions
    Climate change is projected to cause declines and shifts in fieldcrop acreage across U.S. regions
  • Annual Temperature Humidity Index (THI) load and location of dairy operations, 2007
    Annual Temperature Humidity Index (THI) load and location of dairy operations, 2007
  • Agriculture accounted for 10 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2014
    Agriculture accounted for 10 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2014
  • Climate change is projected to cause declines and shifts in fieldcrop acreage across the United States
    Climate change is projected to cause declines and shifts in fieldcrop acreage across the United States
  • More efficient irrigation methods are being adopted on farmland in the Western United States
    More efficient irrigation methods are being adopted on farmland in the Western United States
  • No-till or strip-till use on all acres of four major crops, 2010-11
    No-till or strip-till use on all acres of four major crops, 2010-11