Floating Bar chart with 9 items.
Item 1, Net farm income 2022F (as of December 2022), value of 160.489.
Item 2, Crop receipts, value of 0.227.
Item 3, Value of crop inventory change, value of 0.526.
Item 4, Animals/products receipts, value of 1.671.
Item 5, Value of animals/ products inventory change, value of -0.069.
Item 6, Production expenses, value of 0.698.
Item 7, Government payments, value of -0.901.
Item 8, All other changes, value of 0.099.
Item 9, Net farm income 2022F (as of February 2023), value of 162.739.
Note: Components may not sum to total revision because of rounding.
Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Farm Income and Wealth Statistics. Data as of February 7, 2023.