Uses and Publications

This page lists the uses of the U.S. agricultural productivity statistics, including ERS topic pages, staff analysis, publications/research, and chart galleries that highlight the data.

External Review of the ERS U.S. Agricultural Productivity Accounts

ERS engaged an external review committee to examine the data sources, methodology, ongoing research, documentation, and reporting of the ERS agricultural productivity accounts. This report represents the outcome of that review.

ERS Topic Pages

ERS provides a summary information on U.S. agricultural productivity growth through the topic page—Agricultural Research and Productivity—on its website.

Staff Analysis

U.S. productivity statistics are used to respond to informational requests from nonprofit and government stakeholders.


ERS uses U.S. agricultural productivity statistics for research and publications in productivity related topics. While the U.S. agricultural productivity statistics data have also been used widely by researchers from academies, nonprofit institutions, and government agencies outside of ERS, we list only ERS publications here.

Selected ERS Publications Using U.S. Agricultural Productivity Statistics

Charts of Note and Charting the Essentials Highlighting the U.S. Productivity Accounts

U.S. agricultural productivity statistics are included as part of the Ag and Food Statistics: Charting the Essentials section on Farming and Farm Income.

See also these recent ERS Charts of Note:

Older ERS Charts of Note: